Choosing the Perfect Communication Coach: Factors to Consider
As each voice is unique, so are every individual’s communications challenges. You deserve a coach who is going to bring out the best in you, which is why our communication coaches don’t work towards creating a homogenised voice, instead, we want to strengthen your voice.
During your initial consultation, you should use that call to be completely confident that you are in safe hands.
Working with a communications coach requires trust. In order to get the most out of the sessions, you should be comfortable speaking freely and open to new ideas. Great communication requires an aspect of vulnerability so we can guide you fully towards your goals. Mutual trust and respect between you and your communications coach will create a safe space where you can stumble with confidence on the path to mastering these skills.
Developing trust is not only important for you and your coach, it is also an invaluable element of great communication, and a crucial step in elevating your communication style. Being vulnerable in conversation demonstrates strength and honesty. Vulnerability breeds trust with your audience - it keeps them keen to listen, confident in your authority on the subject.
Your credibility as a communicator can be earned through simple and frank honesty. For your message to have integrity, it is vital that you have command of your subject matter but do not overreach. If you do not know the answer to a question, it is far better to acknowledge that than bluff your way through a response. Owning what you don't know, with a commitment to finding out, gives credibility to the rest of your message.
You will get the most out of your communication coach, and your communication coach will get the best out of you, if there is a degree of intimacy between you. Intimacy can often be interpreted with one specific meaning - we aren’t suggesting over-familiarity or physical contact. Intimacy, like vulnerability, is about opening up to a level of familiarity that will breed fantastic growth with your communication toolkit.
Intimacy, in the world of communication coaching, is about opening yourself up to the sessions; showing up willing to share your shortcomings and vulnerabilities. Recognising areas of difficulty and identifying struggle points is the most effective way to make real improvement. Your communication coach will be able to bring you closer to your goals if you arrive at your session willing to face these challenges with honesty.
You have to be happy and confident with your communications coach. Whilst a checklist of requirements is useful, and every coach at Forefront will welcome your questions, ultimately, you need to trust your instincts. We are confident you will be happy with any one of the team here at Forefront, but if your first coach feels like a mismatch, we will easily switch out for someone more closely aligned with your vibe and intentions. We trust your instincts and hope that you trust ours.
Learning to trust your instincts is key to good communication. As humans, we make assumptions on, at minimum, an hourly basis. Assessing our environment is built into our survival instinct. Broadly speaking, trusting your gut and following those assumptions work in our favour. However, high pressure scenarios and stressful environments can skew our data. When we're stressed, or the stakes are high, we can get nervous, second-guessing our assumptions.
When tension increases, it is important to have a reliable suite of communications tools to rely on. Coaching sessions will help you build these skills, in a warm, pressure-free environment giving you the confidence to listen to your instincts without being overwhelmed with indecision. That valuable work all begins with your first call.
Our benchmark is to be your cheerleaders through open, honest, and nurturing sessions. We provide guidance, not rules. Whether you work with us for a single session or a period of time, your communications coach will be with you throughout the process. We are part of your journey; we will ask you questions; we will challenge you; but we will never tell you what you have to do because we value your autonomy.
And that is really what we want at Forefront; for people to feel that they have control and autonomy over what they are doing within the coaching process. We will always admit if we get something wrong, or make a suggestion that didn’t work. That is the style - to get it right, sometimes you have to get it wrong. Trial and error is a crucial part of your development process and we will design your sessions to equip you with everything you need to get your message right, when it matters.